For people that work in the accounting and tax industry, there is a need for continued education in order to keep licenses and certifications current. Both require annual continuing education. Tax courses require approval from the state and the IRS. Since laws are...
Steps to Take When Enrolling in a CPE Ethics Course
CPE ethics courses remain a great way to earn credits. There are thousands of courses to choose from, and all professionals are required to take a CPE course at various points in their career to maintain their license. If you have never completed a CPE course before,...
Can You Benefit from the Section 179 Tax Deduction?
Are you a business owner? If so, you may be able to benefit from the section 179 tax deduction. Instead of buying property and having to allow it to depreciate over several years, with the section 179 tax deduction, you will be able to deduct the purchase price of the...
Why CPE Courses Are Beneficial to Your Profession
Every professional is required to take a CPE course at some point during their working career. It is a great way to make sure that employees are up to speed concerning industry regulations while acting as a refresher for some. When you complete a CPE course, you will...
Adding ETF’s to your Portfolio
ETF’s or Exchange Traded Funds can provide many options and benefits to the investor. If you have avoided index mutual funds and enjoy the benefits of individual stocks but want something new to add diversification to your portfolio, ETF’s provide a happy medium...